Mining and Node Syncing
We are working on custom solutions for BitClout mining and node hosting/syncing services. Our goal is to go beyond that and work on infrastructure as well.
Start your journey today!


We are looking at disrupting multiple industries. Currently, we are targeting BitClout. We are looking at providing infrastructure as a service.

Node Syncing

After BitClout transitioned towards being closer to PoS, we have focused on node syndication and syncing services, pivoting further.


Infrastructure Layer

CloutPool is working on infrastructure as a service. We are creating a top tier series of integrations in order to do so.


Easy to Run

As mentioned, we are targeting a variety of industries. The current core is centered around mining, and us having lite and alpha node capabilities.
Lite Node
Alpha Node
		var Stratum = require('stratum-pool');
		var pool = Stratum.createPool({
		"coin": BitClout,
		"address": "mi4iBXbBsydtcc5yFmsff2zCFVX4XG7qJc",
		"rewardRecipients": {
			"n37vuNFkXfk15uFnGoVyHZ6PYQxppD3QqK": 1.5,
			"mirj3LtZxbSTharhtXvotqtJXUY7ki5qfx": 0.5,
			"22851477d63a085dbc2398c8430af1c09e7343f6": 0.1
		"blockRefreshInterval": 1000,
		"jobRebroadcastTimeout": 55,
		"connectionTimeout": 600,
		"emitInvalidBlockHashes": false,
		"tcpProxyProtocol": false,
		"banning": {
			"enabled": true,
			"time": 600,
			"invalidPercent": 50,
			"checkThreshold": 500,
			"purgeInterval": 300
		"ports": {
			"3032": {
				"diff": 32,
				"varDiff": {
					"minDiff": 8,
					"maxDiff": 512,
					"targetTime": 15,
					"retargetTime": 90,
					"variancePercent": 30
			"3256": {
				"diff": 256
		"daemons": [
				"host": "",
				"port": 19000,
		"p2p": {
			"enabled": false,
			"host": "",
			"port": 17000,
			"disableTransactions": true
		}, function(ip, port , workerName, password, callback){
			console.log("Authorize " + workerName + ":" + password + "@" + ip);
				error: null,
				authorized: true,
				disconnect: false
	package main
		 package main

		import (
			scaffoldingData "packer-plugin-scaffolding/datasource/scaffolding"
			scaffoldingPP "packer-plugin-scaffolding/post-processor/scaffolding"
			scaffoldingProv "packer-plugin-scaffolding/provisioner/scaffolding"
			scaffoldingVersion "packer-plugin-scaffolding/version"

		func main() {
			pps := plugin.NewSet()
			pps.RegisterBuilder("my-builder", new(scaffolding.Builder))
			pps.RegisterProvisioner("my-provisioner", new(scaffoldingProv.Provisioner))
			pps.RegisterPostProcessor("my-post-processor", new(scaffoldingPP.PostProcessor))
			pps.RegisterDatasource("my-datasource", new(scaffoldingData.Datasource))
			err := pps.Run()
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
	package main
		import (
			scaffoldingData "packer-plugin-scaffolding/datasource/scaffolding"
			scaffoldingPP "packer-plugin-scaffolding/post-processor/scaffolding"
			scaffoldingProv "packer-plugin-scaffolding/provisioner/scaffolding"
			scaffoldingVersion "packer-plugin-scaffolding/version"

		func main() {
			pps := plugin.NewSet()
			pps.RegisterBuilder("my-builder", new(scaffolding.Builder))
			pps.RegisterProvisioner("my-provisioner", new(scaffoldingProv.Provisioner))
			pps.RegisterPostProcessor("my-post-processor", new(scaffoldingPP.PostProcessor))
			pps.RegisterDatasource("my-datasource", new(scaffoldingData.Datasource))
			err := pps.Run()
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())

Server Locations

"This is the location for Washington"

USA 2 New York

"This is the location for New York"


"This is the location for Paris"


"This is the location for Berlin"

ASIA Japan

"This is the location for Japan"


"The is the location for Brazil"

Frequently asked questions

Are you looking to learn more about CloutPool and the projects we are working on? Please, don't hesitate to reach out!

  • A simple mining network
  • A node infrastructure layer
  • Further network decentralization

BitClout has cut the mining reward and seemed to have transitioned towards being more PoS. This means that mining is no longer as profitable or as sustainable long term as it was originally considered. However, CloutPool transitioned as well towards being more focused on nodes and other integrations.

If you are asking this question, perhaps a good place to start is looking at our whitepaper. We are trying to introduce infrastructure as a service to the BitClout ecosystem as well as provide various integrations with multiple third parties as well. This might also make BitClout more decentralized.

We are strongly considering various different integrations with multiple platforms. This includes CloutLock and even integrations with CloutContracts. Things like potentially supporting mining for alts on CloutContracts or working with CloutLock to make lightweight nodes are further expansions of what CloutPool wants to do.

Currently, CloutPool believes that through a series of technologies, BitClout can be made to be more decentralized. This is why CloutPool wants to work on layers that compliment or expand BitClout and what BitClout has to offer. This will be done through a series of technological integrations.

There currently are plans to have differences between nodes in regards to architecture, size and purpose. We are also planning various different integrations as well as potential usecases as a result. The goal is to be as adaptable as possible while still oriented towards decentralization and interoperability.

All information on this page is "as is". Please consider this technology as strictly experimental. We aren't trying to ask for investments or solicit for an investment. Anything that you decide to do is solely at your own risk. Technology is being made on an "as is" basis, and we don't claim any warrantees or guarantees.

Start your journey today!

Find out what CloutPool can be capable of